Posted by: Santos Garcia | Saturday, August 12, 2023

“The Synergy Of The Ages”

Inevitable Divine & Holy Intervention!

I have patiently waited for many months now before posting a new essay, primarily because I wanted to see the transition to full exposure of the crimes of the Deep State. Many believe that ‘the Deep State’ is a Conspiracy Theory, especially when thrown against ANYTHING that was stated on a “Q” post. Well, now many Americans AND world citizens are realizing with great consternation that there is a Deep State, which has effectively been in control of nations for centuries. The shadow government that has been in control in America, can be understood as a tool of the more universal aspects of this Conspiracy Fact. The New World Order Globalists, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the European Union, the International Monetary Fund… and many others entities are ALL part of a ‘system’ that seeks to dominate and control our planetary population. The last five essays… beginning with “It IS ‘Time To Free America'” through and including “The Great Awakenings… Part III” find their corroboration on the near horizon, with this signpost essay revealing volumes!

So what does “Synergy” mean? The Dictionary definition is:

“… the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.” One of the videos that will be included in this post will bring the Spiritual aspects of “The Synergy Of The Ages” as messaged by Dutch Sheets. A good example in the secular realm of this concept would be the Beatles. These four men combined in a time in history (early 60s), when their individual ‘talents’ merged together to clearly multiply their influence… their voices, their writing capabilities, their physical magnetism, etc. all merged to mesmerize the world; sadly their influence had many detrimental aspects. This chart has a secular business view of what this term means to improve and succeed against the cutthroat nature of commerce.

In order to whet your appetite for the ‘full meal’ that will be laid out here, I want you all to carefully listen to this 10 minute British Newscast that is highly controversial and quite volatile. Let me just say that this lady knows whereof she speaks:

“…Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes’ Claims in Truth Social Post – Suggests Space Force Has Evidence of 2020 Election Fraud: “Trump Knew if He Presented Any of the Goods Early On, We’d Have a CIVIL WAR”
PLEASE listen carefully to the entire 10 minute broadcast at the bottom of the above article. It’s worth viewing more than once, especially in the light of her apparent opposition by the anchors. Since I have the need to amplify the significance of this information, do view this entire broadcast of Johnny Enlow on Elijah Streams where he goes into great detail of what is actually happening that many of us have waited for a considerably long time… to our detriment with many objecting vehemently for the past nearly three years:
Believe me the ENTIRE Broadcast IS well worth the time and effort! We are in a Great Spiritual Reset!

In order to have a mindset of the revolutionary transition that the United States of America is going through, there are several more videos that are very critical to the full comprehension of our hopeful future. When you watch them they will engender great anticipation, as we are moving into a Spiritual Era of the Greatest timespan in Human History!

ON TO PAGE 2… Link below:

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