Posted by: Santos Garcia | Friday, June 7, 2024

“Immutable Promise… A Prophetic Word”… And “Order!”

We are at a time in Human History where “Everything that can be shaken WILL be shaken”… Our GOD Has ordained an Era of Exposure, lifting the veil that has clouded our nation~ and the entire planet in darkness that is tangible, palpable, and pervasive!

Thankfully we are at the beginning of an Era where those that know the LORD will be OVERWHELMING Leviathan! EVERYTHING that the enemy and his fallen minions… in the spirit AND in the earth realm, have perpetrated will be exposed, dismantled, and destroyed… MARK MY WORDS!

There is a profound need for all of us, Americans and world citizens alike to watch these Prophetic Words; all are recent Words- and yet we will ‘see’ them play out within this current calendar year!

Although two of these are from 5-Fold Minister Tim Sheets of Oasis Church in Middleton, Ohio, they are highly critical in import to the times that we are living in! With the Judicial Travesty that was handed down in New York City against President Donald John Trump, and the explosion of pervasive disdain that the majority of Americans… and the world community have expressed, it is time to get clarity from Holy Spirit as to ALL the injustices that have been foisted on all of us for far too long! The third teaching is from Johnny Enlow on Elijah Streams, and is provocatively titled: GOD Says, “I Love Trump… He IS My Ally!” There is little doubt that Johnny’s exposition will be controversial, but will prove to be true soon! Please note that at the beginning the broadcast has a very moving narrative in video of a dramatic miraculous healing of a child that suffered greatly for years, prior to her dramatic healing in visitation from the LORD Jesus Christ. It may well bring tears to your eyes, as it did mine.

In our current world timeline we see ‘Dr.’ Fauci interrogated before Congress- evading the obvious deaths of millions worldwide that is on his corrupt shoulders; MONUMENTAL donations being accumulated by ALL Trump platforms [Over $200 Million and counting]; Hunter Biden being tried for his ‘gun’ felonies issue; Ukraine and Russia jockeying for World War III… with NATO pushing the envelope; Communist China flying over Taiwan daily with threats of Invasion accelerating; the entire Biden Crime Family under a slow-walking investigation with 20+ shell companies holding $Millions$; the Southern Border willfully letting in 15 million Illegal aliens… many with terrorist intentions; flash mobs stealing us blind; gas, energy, and food prices off the charts; Bidenomics literally racing America to an Economic Collapse with everything in shambles; the World Health Organization pushing to rob every Sovereign nation of their legitimate right to their ownership of their national borders and self-regulating authority; AND Israel at War with demonic Hamas~ under threat of the antisemitic United Nations.

PLEASE save this page– and DO watch all three broadcasts for they are ALL food and fuel for fervent prayer. We are in the most critical time in history in my lifetime; the children of the Kingdom of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ MUST respond to the urgency of the moment- to see “Thy Kingdom Come~ Thy Will BE Done~ On Earth as it is in Heaven…”

‘IMMUTABLE’… Not to be changed or deleted in ANY way!

Share these Prophetic Words with ALL your loved ones, and know that our Holy GOD neither sleeps nor slumbers… and although we are in dire straits worldwide, He is Faithful and Just– and will surely guide our steps in Fervent Intercession to accomplish His ordained Holy Will. The Greatest Days of life on Earth are still before us! We MUST join our hearts to this Truth… and patiently anticipate our coming ‘Red Sea moment’ yet on the horizon…

Tim Sheets Brings a Clear Word from The Holy Spirit… YHVH GOD’s Timing Is NOW!

In the above video message, near the end there is a Worship Song titled “America’s Anthem”. I highly recommend that you watch and listen to this anointed piece by Rachel Schaefer, primarily because of the moving visual rendition that strikes the heart with the Truths of our Constitutional Republic. Our nation is highly fortunate to be Loved and Protected by the Sovereign Judge of the Universe, Who WILL Intervene as He did for the children of Israel at the Red Sea parting. We are on the brink of Divine Intervention like no other time in Human History! PLEASE do watch “America’s Anthem”… It will inspire, humble, and cause gratitude to well up in your heart!

The message below is even more mind-blowing! I am putting my reputation on the line, because I fully believe what Johnny Enlow reveals… and the proof WILL be forthcoming- this year!

GOD Says, “I LOVE Trump! He IS My Ally!”

The most important reality about all three of these messages will be the verification of every Prophecy when the fulfillments happen. America is in a most unique place, that after 150 years of corrupt and insidious international control, “The Corporation” [1871] is NOW dead, and President Trump has retrieved the gold that was stolen from us and stored in the Vatican for over a century! 165 large plane loads of Gold Bullion have been released under pressure- directly from the Vatican while Trump was still President! There is much more that has been hidden from public scrutiny, that has been and will be revealed by Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, who can be followed on Truth Social and other platforms. Do watch the 10-minute video interview of Dr. Jan at the very bottom of the linked article [provided by Citizen Kane News]… SHOCKING!

LORD Bless and Protect our nation, the United States Of America~ and ALL our citizens, as well as others living here at this time. We need Divine Intervention, and these messages give Hope in the coming Great Awakening, In the Name of our LORD Jesus Christ, AMEN & AMEN!

Numbers 6:24-26… The LORD ABBA Father; The LORD Jesus Christ; & The LORD Holy SpiritThe Triune GOD revealed!” LORD Bless and Protect you all!

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