Posted by: Santos Garcia | Saturday, August 12, 2023

“The Synergy Of The Ages”

Inevitable Divine & Holy Intervention!

I have patiently waited for many months now before posting a new essay, primarily because I wanted to see the transition to full exposure of the crimes of the Deep State. Many believe that ‘the Deep State’ is a Conspiracy Theory, especially when thrown against ANYTHING that was stated on a “Q” post. Well, now many Americans AND world citizens are realizing with great consternation that there is a Deep State, which has effectively been in control of nations for centuries. The shadow government that has been in control in America, can be understood as a tool of the more universal aspects of this Conspiracy Fact. The New World Order Globalists, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the European Union, the International Monetary Fund… and many others entities are ALL part of a ‘system’ that seeks to dominate and control our planetary population. The last five essays… beginning with “It IS ‘Time To Free America'” through and including “The Great Awakenings… Part III” find their corroboration on the near horizon, with this signpost essay revealing volumes!

So what does “Synergy” mean? The Dictionary definition is:

“… the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.” One of the videos that will be included in this post will bring the Spiritual aspects of “The Synergy Of The Ages” as messaged by Dutch Sheets. A good example in the secular realm of this concept would be the Beatles. These four men combined in a time in history (early 60s), when their individual ‘talents’ merged together to clearly multiply their influence… their voices, their writing capabilities, their physical magnetism, etc. all merged to mesmerize the world; sadly their influence had many detrimental aspects. This chart has a secular business view of what this term means to improve and succeed against the cutthroat nature of commerce.

In order to whet your appetite for the ‘full meal’ that will be laid out here, I want you all to carefully listen to this 10 minute British Newscast that is highly controversial and quite volatile. Let me just say that this lady knows whereof she speaks:

“…Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes’ Claims in Truth Social Post – Suggests Space Force Has Evidence of 2020 Election Fraud: “Trump Knew if He Presented Any of the Goods Early On, We’d Have a CIVIL WAR”
PLEASE listen carefully to the entire 10 minute broadcast at the bottom of the above article. It’s worth viewing more than once, especially in the light of her apparent opposition by the anchors. Since I have the need to amplify the significance of this information, do view this entire broadcast of Johnny Enlow on Elijah Streams where he goes into great detail of what is actually happening that many of us have waited for a considerably long time… to our detriment with many objecting vehemently for the past nearly three years:
Believe me the ENTIRE Broadcast IS well worth the time and effort! We are in a Great Spiritual Reset!

In order to have a mindset of the revolutionary transition that the United States of America is going through, there are several more videos that are very critical to the full comprehension of our hopeful future. When you watch them they will engender great anticipation, as we are moving into a Spiritual Era of the Greatest timespan in Human History!

ON TO PAGE 2… Link below:

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Posted by: Santos Garcia | Wednesday, June 1, 2022

‘The “Great Awakenings”… Part III: Decades Of Blessings’

That Eternal Law is Found ONLY in the Holy Bible & In The Person of our LORD Jesus Christ

We ‘qualify’ ONLY by an act of submission- and then a lifestyle of surrender to the LORDship of Jesus Christ Who alone paid the price for fallen mankind, that was required due to the transgression of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden… who through ignorance and rebellion consigned mankind to the corruption of death that became inevitable. Raised in a Catholic family, I rebelled at age 12 and became an atheist due to my public school indoctrination into the psuedo-science of Darwinian Evolution. Finding myself in middle school surrounded only by Chinese friends, I became curious of their seemingly serene culture, and then became an adherent of Buddhist philosophy. All this was during the turbulent 60’s with the counterculture rage in full swing. It lead to a lifestyle of addiction, depravity, and depression, since nothing satisfied- until I found Christ, or rather He found me. This blog has 90 essays that will edify and strengthen your faith; it is my sincere hope that readers will avail themselves of these freely and consider sharing with family and friends.

The image above is of Half Dome in Yosemite National Forest in Central California, one of the most beautiful places on planet Earth. I had the privilege of going there three times and camping out in Yosemite Valley in the 90’s with a church group. Almost 30 or so of us climbed this mountain each time- including my son and daughter… via the backside cable transit; though grueling and very steep- thankfully we all made it! Standing on the lip of the visible protrusion (above the ‘u’ in the word full) gives one a 360 degree panorama that is beyond breathtaking… The LORD’s Creation is truly beyond magnificent! When John Muir gave President Theodore Roosevelt a tour of this magnificent area, ‘Teddy’ determined to legislate the preservation of America’s national parks for the profound treasures that they are… (Read Edmund MorrisPulitzer Prize-winning 3 Volume Biography of Teddy Roosevelt that reads like the very best action novel- though ALL true! I cannot recommend it highly enough). We navigate on our life journey through perilous waters, though we often find respite in beautiful places like Yosemite.

How Is Your Life’s Journey Faring?

After presenting a substantial amount of very troubling, sobering, and for some terrifying information in the first two installments, Part I and Part II as well as the two other posts that preceded this series… I want to now focus on our glorious future… as ‘the Body of Christ’, as a nation- our Constitutional Republic of the United States of America, AND the world community of nations that ABBA Father Has NOT forgotten! Beginning briefly again with ‘The Natural’, i.e. the secular world- certain dramatic and literally cataclysmic changes and transitions will be launching… this year before the end of 2022! Although somewhat predictive, these are actually based upon evidence that is coming out- albeit slowly…

The First Earthquake: President Donald John Trump’s Reinstatement as the Legitimate President

When the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen via multiple coordinated strategies, the nation slipped off the precipice of a stable Constitutional Republic into a free-fall. What the corrupt Biden regime has ‘accomplished’ in a short 18 month period is staggering! The list is shocking: a) The complete destruction of our energy sector (oil, natural gas, and coal) resulting in the highest fuel and energy costs in my lifetime; b) A willfully orchestrated open southern border with Mexico– resulting in human and drug trafficking by the paramilitary Drug Cartels that appear to now run their country. As I have said, over 100,00 Americans are dying yearly of Fentanyl which is manufactured by our mortal enemy Communist China, and then flooded via their ‘partners’ the Cartels throughout our nation. c)Stagflation‘ is no longer an economic theory: both hyperinflation and the devaluing of the ‘dollar‘ by the indiscriminate printing of $trillions of fiat currency (no gold or silver backing) is only just beginning to hurt our populace. There are clear signs that the Stock Market may well crash, unless our clueless leadership initiate some very austere and seemingly radical measures. Frankly I believe we’re headed for a complete overhaul of our Monetary system- Auditing and eliminating the corrupt Federal Reserve, and returning our currency to a gold/silver backed system.

This is just the short list, since other examples of national malaise have been described in some detail in the past four essays. So where is the hope? Just keep reading- by the time we get to the end of this lengthy dissertation, a significant set of ‘prophecies’ will herald a very enviable future! The physical reality of A Great Awakening will transition into the tangible manifestation of another type of Great Awakening, a Spiritual Awakening of never before seen proportions… We WILL experience Heaven Touching Earth, and that over an extended period of time… likely decades!

Arrests based upon the geotracking of & filmed ‘mules’ are only just beginning!

The Fake News media are running scared since they have spent the past 18 months parroting the lie that the 2020 Election was the most secure election in American history! They have coined the phrase “The Big Lie” to insult President Trump and ANYONE who has the audacity to question the many irregularities and now blatantly illegal activities that have and are being uncovered almost daily. This 90 minute documentary film is but the tip of the massive iceberg. Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips of True The Vote have millions of minutes of geotracking data that was used to locate and film the culprits at numerous selected sites in the battleground states in question, that show mules (paid ballot traffickers) that made as many as 48 stops per day with multiple ballots on a circuit, AND showing that they stopped to pick up additional illegal ballots at Democrat offices!

Although the documentary has again returned to theaters for a wider run, since the initial three days was such an unparalleled success, if you can’t locate it at a theater near you- you can watch it on the SalemNow Media Network.

Initial Mara-Lago Viewing with President Trump

Thankfully arrests are just beginning in several states as the irrefutable documentation is shared with local precincts Attorney Generals and sheriff’s offices. This is made possible by the clear evidence of the geotracking data that identifies the phones used, and thereby the owners who have perpetrated the crimes. There will be investigations and prosecutions of the NGOs and Democrat offices that were involved in supplying the vast numbers of ballots provided to the mules. Wisconsin investigation has uncovered massive voter fraud that is being reviewed by the State Legislature, with the hope that decertification will happen. In this prayer request on Intercessors For America Patel Patriot interviews Gregg Phillips of True The Vote [47:25]. Cuing forward to the 32 minute mark Phillips reveals that there is far more explosive evidence that will be made public in the next six weeks that will make 2000 Mules pale in comparison! Please join all of us who are praying and fasting for the truth to be understood and acted upon in the near future.

I have been continually overwhelmed with the amount of research that Patel Patriot has invested in his ‘Devolution Series’, especially as read by Patrick Gunnels on Rumble (see Devolution Playlist). All 22 episodes have confirmed to my mind and heart that ‘Devolution’ IS in play and IS reality. This would be the ONLY way that Donald J. Trump would be able to return to the Oval Office as the legitimate President of the United States, BEFORE having to be re-elected in 2024. 

Having seen this Power Hour episode this past weekend May 27, 2022, I felt immediately compelled to pray for Gregg Phillips & Catherine Englebrecht because I believe that Gregg may have said too much! What is coming is still about five weeks away (July 4th?) and as he hinted IS even more of a blockbuster! This almost 2 hour [1:50:56] presentation was conducted by True The VoteCatherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips on May 31, 2022 for the Arizona State Senate, specifically considering their findings in Arizona. Be assured as stated above, that MUCH MORE is coming out soon about the Greatest Treason in American History that has subverted our election system, and has lead to the devastation of an illegitimate presidency that we have endured for the past 18 months. PLEASE FAST AND PRAY!

I wholeheartedly believe that President Trump will be reinstated in his rightful place in the Oval Office before the midterms- as the legitimate, duly elected President of the United States of America… having won the 2020 Election in a MASSIVE Landslide! We will learn that the Dominion machines are corrupted [proof coming out in Arizona and Colorado] flipping votes from Trump to Biden- and eliminating Trump votes altogether; ballot stuffing of illegal ballots in ALL the battleground states (and perhaps the entire nation) will be exposed beyond the “2000 Mules” documentary; and illegals voting, dead people voting, persons voting more than once, underage voters, etc… each and every method of this corrupted election process will be revealed BEFORE the November mid-terms! As the real President has said: “If we don’t fix 2020, we won’t have a free and fair election in Nov. 2022.”

Evidence that 4 of the last 5 Presidents WERE Installed- NOT Elected!

PLEASE prayerfully consider Glenn Beck‘s very sobering 15 minute video that forces us to face the stark reality of our current situation worldwide…

The Second Declaration of Independence

I found this incredible document that is pending presentation at the right time to the Federal government; probably after the mid-terms in Nov., 2022 because of the corruption that is visibly apparent in the Democrat/RINO Uniparty that controls our nation. The video is 32 minutes long, but is a must view and read because of the importance of everything presented. What is so remarkable is that it gives a history point by point of how our Constitutional Republic was subverted back in 1871 and chronologically reveals the corruption that has literally compromised and crippled our United States of America from being the very best that it was ordained to be by Almighty GOD. It will not disappoint… AND clearly without all it presents being made fully known to America, there is no opportunity for the Greatest Spiritual Awakening that is still in limbo to be fully released among us- as it will! The revelations that it uncovers MUST result in our taking back our national sovereignty from the pirates that have fully deceived us for over 150 years now!

Looking soberly at all the troubling circumstances that surround us all in mankind, it is a challenge to our personal faith to conceive of Divine Blessings from Heaven’s Throne being poured out upon us in OVERFLOWING waves… And yet the Holy Word is most clear:

Acts 2:17-21… 17And it shall come to pass in The Last Days, says GOD, 
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, 
Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. 18 And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy.19 I will show wonders in heaven above And signs in the earth beneath: Blood and fire and vapor of smoke. 20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD. 21And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the LORD Shall be saved.”
[on to Page 2… link below]

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The Real St. Francis… Not the Corrupt Pope in the Vatican

In Part I I cover a lot of ground that is actually the quicksand of the geopolitical world in the present day of very dire circumstances. Everywhere we turn there is orchestrated chaos: a southern border that is purposely open to the human and drug trafficking of Mexican drug cartels; Fentanyl from China brought in through our porous border now killing 100,000 Americans per year; an inflation rate that is at over 40-year highs with gasoline going from $2 per gallon during the Trump Energy independence period to now in California where we live- approaching $7 per gallon… and many needed commodities ballooning in unheard of costs or unavailability; a war in Ukraine that is more than suspect since that troubled nation is the 3rd most corrupt country in the world… and where the illegitimate Biden administration, many political figures, and the Intelligence community have been using as ground zero for money laundering, human trafficking, and bioweapons creation; the surrendering of our Constitution & Bill of Rights to a global governance system through the proposed World Health Organization takeover of ‘Emergency’ response- which is only vaguely defined… AND other crises that are too numerous to mention. To say that fervent intercession with fasting, followed by wisely considered action is paramount- IS clearly obvious!

A compromised international organization that is in league with the NWO Globalist Agenda!

Dr. Naomi Wolf (not a physician but a researcher & author) has enlisted the help of over 3000 Medical Professionals- doctors, epidemiologists, virologists, medical researchers, along with citizen volunteers, and 250 attorneys in the review analysis of 55,000 pages of Pfizer mRNA vaccines documentation. This Big Pharma company had suppressed the data and wanted to have 75 years of withholding its public disclosure, but by the Grace of YHVH GOD– a Federal Judge DEMANDED that ALL the records be made public from November 2021 to the present.

What they have uncovered is staggering! Not only did this company lie about the efficacy of their mRNA vaccines (15-20% as opposed to 95% effective), but they hid the reams of documentation of very serious adverse reactions– where paragraph after paragraph, page after page reveals permanent damage to humans of all ages. When each adverse reaction and health crisis is listed just by name, it amounts to 9 pages of enumerated titles alone! Dr. Robert Malone who is the originator of the mRNA Vaccine delivery technology over 17 years ago, has ALWAYS stated that this medical procedure should NEVER be used to try to vaccinate against ANY viruses, due to the fact that it generates mushrooming ‘spike proteins’ that propagate the virus AND generates new strains that eventually become immune to any legitimate treatment (such as Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, or Chlorine Dioxide).

Because her commentary and short updates are in a series of interviews on the Warroom Pandemic Rumble platform hosted by Stephen K. Bannon, I am embedding them in sequence here:

  1. This is the initial start [March 8, 2022] of the inquiry where volunteers were solicited by Naomi Wolf to the Warroom Posse (regular viewers of the outstanding Warroom Pandemic audience). In a matter of two days she had physicians, medical professionals, lawyers, and other volunteers signing up on her website @
  2. [March 12, 2022] Mounting participation in review of massive amount of documents, leads to recognition of outrageous crimes against humanity- that only increase in documentation as the next multiple links will reveal. Lawsuits begin to be coordinated. And the questionable ingredients in the vaccines begin to be scrutinized.
  3. [April 18, 2022] Evidence in the documentation reveals that Pfizer knew the severe damage that the mRNA vaccines caused to the recipients’ immune system by destroying the lymphocyte white blood cells. Yet they labeled these gene serum injections as “Safe & Effective“. The company KNEW by August 2021 that the clinical trials FAILED! Therefore the lawsuits will be WORLDWIDE and besides the 250+ lawyers that are part of the cohort of Dr. Wolf, Attorney Thomas Renz @ has massive data from the Dept. of Defense and other sources that have already triggered lawsuits throughout the United States that the Fake News media refuses to report! Besides his detailed website, please review several interviews that I embedded in the prior essay:
  4. [April 26, 2022] Indemnification clauses on the ‘vaccines’ discussed… which hold the Big Pharma companies free and clear of liability for ANY health disability arising from the experimental gene serum therapy. It is a travesty that goes back to the days of Ronald Reagan’s administration, where sadly he was deceived into assuming that it was for the ‘greater good’ signing this clearance into Federal Law. Dr. Wolf and her team uncover the startling truth that Pfizer and their partner BioNTech are and have been fully affiliated with a China Pharmaceutical company that is directly responsible to the CCP [Chinese Communist Party]! What is clear IS that the indemnification clauses are null and void when a company misrepresents their clinical trials and does not inform their participants of the inherent health dangers that they have documented.
  5. [May 4, 2022] The lies of Pfizer are growing astronomically! The medical professionals on Naomi Wolf’s team have uncovered over 50 pregnant women that experienced adverse reactions and were taken off the trial, and the company’s analysis recommended that no pregnant woman take the experimental ‘vaccine’… BUT when the roll out continued ALL pregnant women were encouraged to take the drug as being ‘safe and effective’. Also it is now clear that there have been both stillborn babies and postpartum infant deaths in alarming numbers… AND now it is clear that nursing mothers are having their little babies experiencing serious gastrointestinal problems leading to severe symptoms including apparent pain. It is also noted that the breast milk in numerous cases is dark and of poor texture.
  6. [May 5, 2022] The FDA is also criminally culpable for the crimes against humanity that have been the result of these so-called vaccines that are actually gene serum therapy- with horrific damage and long-term implications of ill health, shortened lifespans, and propensity toward deadly diseases that the victims are experiencing. In my first essay on this subject I linked to several doctors including a Nobel Prize for medicine winner who ALL stated that in the coming months and years the hospitalizations and deaths that will alarmingly increase WILL be among those who are vaccinated and boosted! This is exactly what Scotland, Italy, Israel, Brazil, and the U.K. have come to realize! Why does Communist China have 400 million of their populace under severe lockdown and brutal quarantine? The most vaccinated country in the world where NO-ONE was allowed to NOT be vaccinated, is now experiencing MASSIVE health issues… that is crippling the country!
  7. [May 12, 2022] Dr. Naomi Wolf addresses the reality of what James Roguski uncovered that I detailed with extensive documentation in the last post #I. It is clear that the WEF and WHO are moving full speed ahead to subvert our national sovereignty. Please do contact your respective legislators per the outstanding advise that James gives- and make sure you share these truths with ALL your loved ones: family, friends, neighbors, community, churches, on the job, in school, etc.
  8. [May 17, 2022] The FDA again granted approval to Pfizer, this time for children five to eleven years of age. Naomi Wolf quotes directly from adverse reactions and deaths data not only in America but Scotland. Massive amount of bribe money is given by these corrupt companies to health entities to parrot the lie that the ‘vaccines’ are safe and effective, and these deaths are unrelated. This will prove to be one of the greatest Crimes against Humanity in Human History!
  9. [May 25, 2022] The Moderna CEO at the World Economic Forum meeting at Davos Switzerland confessed that his company had to recently destroy 30 million doses of his mRNA poison jabs, because countries were refusing to accept the tainted product! People are waking up finally… Thanks to the daily growing evidence of chronic and terminal adverse reactions that are now catalogued in horrifying detail! Dr. Naomi Wolf reveals further that there is now a massive ‘die-off’ of babies that have been born of vaccinated mothers. When will these companies and organizations finally meet justice?
  10. Naomi Wolf discusses her book “The Bodies of Others”. Her interview with Steve Bannon is explosive. Twitter just banned her for life on the day that her book was finally released! She reports that the Pfizer documents further reveal that the mRNA injections damage the gestation process in the majority of pregnant women, and also the ‘baby die-off’ phenomenon is far worse than first reported. The data is now in from Scotland, Canada, Israel, and the UK- as well as America… babies are dying post mother’s injections at a horrific rate!
  11. [June 10, 2022] 8:49 mins. At this point it is revealed that 3100 babies were either miscarried, still born, and experienced post natal ‘die-off’, with many more mothers unaccounted for. There are 20 active lawsuits against Pfizer and the FDA although approval for newborns to five years olds is still being sought. Also Amazon had now censored the sale of Dr. Wolf’s book… which can still be purchased via the website.
  12. June 13, 2022 [16:05 mins.] FDA approval was given for injecting newborns to 5 year old children; a population that has a 99.997% recovery rate if exposed to the flu-like virus. Dr. Naomi Wolf presents further disturbing evidence that the Pharmaceutical companies in question have been fully aware that the poison jabs not only cause MASSIVE health issues, death, and gestation issues- but also cause infertility. The Gates Foundation has a history of injecting African nations, apparently seeking to cause infertility as the most viable way for depopulation. This goes right along with the obvious “Eugenics” orientation of Bill Gates, his father who ran Planned Parenthood, and the rest of the Luciferian Cabal.
A former Democrat who has become one of the most HATED people by the Left!

I have declared without reservation that the FDA, the CDC, the AMA, the WEF, the WHO, and Big Pharma are criminal enterprises that have committed Treason and Crimes Against Humanity… NOT just with the Plandemic, but going back decades! Is there compelling and verifiable proof? See for yourselves… [on to Page 2… link below]

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Posted by: Santos Garcia | Saturday, May 14, 2022

‘The Great “Awakenings”… Part I: A Crash Course In Global Tyranny’

This initial post begins a series of at least three detailed essays, although lengthy- each one will be worth your time and study as individually they will all contain comprehensive information that will be verifiable, informative, and will be compelling each of us to take action. Part I as titled above is ‘A Crash Course In Global Tyranny’; Part II will be ‘First The Natural- Then The Spiritual’; and Part III will be ‘Decades Of Blessings’. The main reason that this post has “Awakenings” in the plural is because what we all see unfolding in the world community that is frankly terrifying, is waking up humankind to the pervasive evil that MUST be confronted and vehemently resisted. There will be a secular awakening initially of the world population, and an overlapping spiritual awakening that will be described somewhat in Part II but primarily in Part III.

Hosea 4:6a… “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

What too many do not realize is that everything in this life is prone to misconception and deception, due to the sleepless sinister efforts of the fallen ones- in the spiritual realm and in their minions in the earth… humans who have sold out mankind for wealth, prestige, and power. Everything in this short life must be processed through the Cross of Calvary, and via the Holy Bible- exercising the Mind of Christ that true believers are privileged to tap into daily.

Hebrews 5:12-14… ” 12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. 13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. 14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

Notice that in the Garden of Eden Adam & Eve partook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil illegally for it was the ONLY restriction placed on them by a Loving Holy GOD. They as we were/are to discern both good and evil via the Holy Spirit’s illumination and revelation.

I Corinthians 15:46… “However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.”

We will all see and comprehend what has been foisted upon our wayward planet, and is being force-fed down our throats by people and organizations that we have been duped into trusting. It has and still does bring me to tears, because it is an agenda that is unrelenting and exhaustive in ALL areas of life: whether it is government, media, medicine, entertainment, education, the ‘church’, business, the military, and family life. What MUST and WILL happen with all of our active participation is a radical renewal of faith, and finding our personal places in the reawakening of America- and through her the world!

We each need to take our GOD-Ordained place in the greatest spiritual warfare of human history that we are now privileged to undertake!

I have stated in my previous essay, ‘IT IS “Time To Free America”‘ that it is abundantly clear to me that we are NOT in the 7- year Tribulation Period YET, although there are a multitude of voices who have taken the eschatological view that ALL the signs are present according to Matthew 24 & 25 where our LORD Jesus Christ graphically prophesies what will be happening before His 2nd Coming, paralleled by the Revelation Chapter 6 scenario. I further said that what is happening worldwide is a shadow or template of the Last of the Last Days that we are currently in. Yes, the Last Days scripturally are described as beginning with Pentecost and the early church (see Acts Chapter 2) and has continued to the present day.

BUT what IS on the Holy Father’s ‘timetable’ on the near horizon- is the Greatest Awakening in the history of mankind! And that will last several decades until the actual Tribulation Period and “His Glorious Appearing” of our LORD & Saviour, GOD & King, the LORD Jesus Christ!

Luke 17:26… The Days of Noah were filled with Transhuman beingsas it is today!

Each post in the series will link to videos, resources, including PDF files that will establish and confirm how pervasive this orchestrated depravity is… which is the promotion and implementation of a One World totalitarian Governance system in the hands of only several thousand people. My last two essays gave an overview of some of the important information, but mankind has been ‘conditioned’ to call too many truths ‘conspiracy theories’, a phrase invented by the CIA to hide their collusion and destructive intentions.

Take the time to watch this 27:43 min. video… AT LEAST ONCE! “The Laptop From Hell” gets real…

Do you know what ‘Operation Mockingbird’ is? Have you heard of ‘Operation Paperclip’? Be prepared to read and study a ‘history’ of our nation that will appall, anger, and confound everyone who has fallen prey to this demonic deception. Where does one begin? Find these where media is sold… [on to Page 2… link below]

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Posted by: Santos Garcia | Thursday, January 6, 2022

Archbishop Viganò’s Anointed Letter To America

The LORD of Glory Waits for His Bride to Rise Up and Fight for Truth!

In my last post “IT IS ‘Time to Free America'” I have provided ample evidence of what Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò confirms in this eloquent and profoundly anointed letter to America. He is bold and does not mince words as to the dangers that are being forced upon humanity, and with a broken heart of grief over the unnecessary loss of life- both due to the pandemic and the grave travesty of abortion, he challenges all nations and in particular America to rise up and stand against the overwhelming darkness that is upon us all! PLEASE take the short time to read the four page letter, and prayerfully consider printing it and sharing it with ALL who can intercede for our nation, our Constitutional Republic in overwhelming danger… and the world community in the throes of satanic tyranny!

The demonic fear that has blanketed humanity in every nation is entrenched in greater measure in the countries that are exercising jackboot storm trooper tactics against their populace. We see it clearly in Australia, New Zealand, and several nations in the European community. Everything the New World Order Globalists and their Luciferian Free Masonry handlers have been plotting for many decades (in fact centuries) is now front and center with what has happened worldwide in just two short years. I need to state clearly that I am NOT a Catholic, although raised in a Catholic home- I am a Biblical Christian, non-denominational… since the LORD of Glory is preparing His Body from ALL streams of genuine Biblical faith. It is time for His Bride to rise up in prayer and action to push back the encroaching darkness seeking to overwhelm and destroy most of mankind. The danger is true and palpable in ALL of our lives!

Before reading the Archbishop’s plea to America and the world community, please listen to this 30 minute video interview of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who is both a physician and lawyer. It is entitled- “Justice Coming for Victims of COVID Totalitarians and Murderers”… This synopsis explains the premise:

QUOTE-“The lies and totalitarian policies pursued by the COVID tyrants are catching up to them and the perpetrators will be held accountable, international super lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich told The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter. The pandemic was largely the result of PCR testing fraud, the so-called vaccines are harming untold numbers of victims, and the totalitarian policies pursued by governments have led to a global catastrophe, explained DR. Fuellmich, who has interviewed doctors and experts from around the world for his Corona Investigative Committee and has taken on some of the most powerful corporations on Earth. Meanwhile, a handful of elites and profiteers massively expanded their power and wealth. But justice is coming, and all those responsible must be held criminally and civilly accountable, he said. A grand jury is being presented with evidence now against a number of key individuals.”

I am embedding the letter in its entirety; please recognize how very critical it is to pray through and act:


DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects.

STUDY the details on the World Economic Forum site @

We all know how much the mainstream media has contributed to supporting the insane pandemic narrative, the interests that are at stake, and the goals of these groups of power: reducing the world population, making those who survive chronically ill, and imposing forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens. And yet, two years after this grotesque farce started, which has claimed more victims than a war and destroyed the social fabric, national economies, and the very foundations of the rule of law, nothing has changed in the policies of Nations and their response to the so-called pandemic.

Last year, when many still had not yet understood the gravity of the looming threat, I was among the first to denounce this coup, and I was promptly singled out as a conspiracy theorist. Today more and more people are opening their eyes and beginning to understand that the emergency pandemic and the “ecological emergency” are part of a criminal plan hatched by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO, and a galaxy of organizations and foundations that are ideologically characterized as clearly anti-human and – this needs to be said clearly – anti-Christian.

One of the elements that unequivocally confirms the criminal nature of the Great Reset is the perfect synchrony with which all the different Nations are acting, demonstrating the existence of a single script under a single direction. And it is disconcerting to see how the lack of treatment, the deliberately wrong treatments that have been given in order to cause more deaths, the decision to impose lockdowns and masks, the conspiratorial silence about the adverse effects of the so-called “vaccines” that are in fact gene serums, and the continuous repetition of culpable errors have all been possible thanks to the complicity of those who govern and the institutions. Political and religious leaders, representatives of the people, scientists and doctors, journalists and those who work in the media have literally betrayed their people, their laws, their Constitutions, and the most basic ethical principles.

The electoral fraud of the 2020 presidential election against President Trump has shown itself to be organic to this global operation, because in order to impose illegitimate restrictions in violation of the principles of law it was necessary to be able to make use of an American President who would support the psycho-pandemic and support its narrative. The Democratic Party, part of the deep state, is carrying out its task as an accomplice of the system, just as the deep church finds in Bergoglio its own propagandist. The recent rulings of the Supreme Court and the autonomous action of some American states – where the vaccination obligation has been declared unconstitutional – give us hope that this criminal plan can collapse and that those responsible will be identified and tried: both in America as well as in the whole world.

How was it possible to arrive at such a betrayal? How have we come to be considered enemies by those who govern us, not in support of the common good, but rather to feed a hellish machine of death and slavery?

The hatred of Trump by the NWO Globalists knows no bounds- They hate America and must destroy IT!
And in Reality, He is STILL The President of the Free World, study ‘Devolution Playlist’ on Rumble (Patel Patriot)

The answer is now clear: throughout the world, in the name of a perverted concept of freedom, we have progressively erased God from society and laws. We have denied that there is an eternal and transcendent principle, valid for all men of all times, to which the laws of States must conform. We have replaced this absolute principle with the arbitrariness of individuals, with the principle that everyone is his own legislator. In the name of this insane freedom – which is license and libertinage – we have allowed the Law of God and the law of nature to be violated, legitimizing the killing of children in the womb, even up to the very moment of birth; the killing of the sick and the elderly in hospital wards; the destruction of the natural family and of Marriage; we have recognized rights to vice and sin, putting the deviations of individuals before the good of society.

It IS the Worship of Moloch; Now babies can be killed at full term… or even after (to harvest their organs & to make Adrenochrome)!

In short, we have subverted the entire moral order that constitutes the indispensable basis of the laws and social life of a people. Already in the fourth century B.C., Plato wrote these things in his last work the Laws and identified the cause of the Athenian political crisis precisely in the breaking of the divine order – the cosmos – between these eternal principles and human laws.

It has been planned for a very long time!

These natural moral principles of the Greco-Roman world found their fulfillment in Christianity, which built Western civilization by giving them a supernatural impetus. Christianity is the strongest defense against injustice, the strongest garrison against the oppression of the powerful over the weak, the violent over the peaceful, and the wicked over the good, because Christian morality makes each of us accountable to God and our neighbor for our actions, both as citizens and as rulers. The Son of God, whose Birth we will celebrate in a few days, became Incarnate in time and in history in order to heal an ancient wound, and to restore by Grace the order broken by disobedience. His social Kingship was the generating principle of the ordo Christianus that for two centuries now has been fiercely fought against by Freemasonry: because the Revolution it promotes is chaos; it is disorder; it is infernal rebellion against the divine order so as to impose Satan’s tyranny.

The NWO Tower of Babel- European Union Headquarters
The EU Logo

Now, as we see what is happening around us, we understand how mendacious were the promises of progress and freedom made by those who destroyed Christian society, and how deceptive was the prospect of a new Tower of Babel, built not only without regard for God but even in direct opposition to Him. The infernal challenge of the Enemy is repeated over the centuries unchanged, but it is doomed to inexorable failure. Behind this millennial conspiracy, the adversary is always the same, and the only thing that changes are the particular individuals who cooperate with him.

Dear American brothers and sisters! Dear Patriots! this is a crucial moment for the future of the United States of America and of the whole of humanity. But the pandemic emergency, the farce of global warming and the green economy, and the economic crisis deliberately induced by the Great Reset with the complicity of the deep state, are all only the consequence of a much more serious problem, and it is essential to understand it in depth if we want to defeat it. This problem is essentially moral; indeed, it is religious. We must put God back in the first place not only in our personal lives, but also in the life of our society.


We must restore to Our Lord Jesus Christ the Crown that the Revolution has torn from Him, and in order for this to happen a true and profound conversion of individuals and of society is necessary. For it is absolutely impossible to hope for the end of this global tyranny if we continue to remove from the Kingdom of Christ the nations that belong to Him and must belong to Him. For this reason, the movement to overturn Roe v. Wade also acquires a very important meaning, since respect for the sacredness of unborn life must be sanctioned by positive law if it is to be a mirror of the Eternal Law.

You are animated by a yearning for justice, and this is a legitimate and good desire. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,” says the Lord (Mt 5:6). But this Justice must be based on the awareness that this is a spiritual battle in which it is necessary to take sides without equivocation and without compromise, holding transcendent and eternal references that even the pagan philosophers glimpsed, and that have found fulfillment in the Revelation of the Son of God, the Divine Master.

My appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance – which I renew today – aims precisely to constitute a movement of moral and spiritual rebirth which will inspire the civil, social and political action of those who do not want to be enslaved as slaves to the New World Order. A movement that at the national and local level will be able to find a way to oppose the Great Reset and that coordinates the denunciation of the coup that is currently in progress. Because in the awareness of who our adversary is and what his aims and purposes are, we can disrupt the criminal action he intends to pursue and force him to retreat. In this, the opposition to the pandemic farce and the vaccination obligation must be determined and courageous on the part of each of you.

sg- Update 1/17/2022: Kim Iversen and her team do a good job of giving both sides of the argument, although it’s obvious she is far more concerned about the sinister ramifications than her two associates. I’m looking forward to reading Glenn Beck‘s new book by the same name.

We are a Nation that honors Free Speech and Freedom of Religion… WE must unite our hearts in Fervent Intercession!

Yours must therefore be a work of truth, bringing to light the lies and deceptions of the New World Order and their anti-human and antichristic matrix. And in this it is mainly the laity and all people of good will – each in the professional and civil role he holds – who must coordinate and organize together to make a firm but peaceful resistance, so as not to legitimize its violent repression by those who today hold power.

Never more true than today; Biblical Christianity MUST be restored for The Great Awakening that is on the near Horizon… Praise The LORD!

Be proud of your identity as American patriots and of the Faith that must animate your life. Do not allow anyone to make you feel inferior just because you love your homeland, because you are honest at work, because you want to protect your family and raise your children with healthy values, because you respect the elderly, because you protect life from conception to its natural end. Do not be intimidated or seduced by those who propagate a dystopian world in which a faceless power imposes on you contempt for the Law of God, presents sin and vice as licit and desirable, despises righteousness and Morality, destroys the natural family and promotes the worst perversions, plans the death of defenseless and weak creatures, and exploits humanity for its own profit or to preserve power.

Philippians 2:10…”Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ IS LORD, to the Glory of GOD the Father.”

Be worthy heirs of the [LORD Jesus Christ…Rom. 8:17-sg], and do not follow those of your Pastors who have betrayed the mandate they have received from Our Lord, who impose iniquitous orders on you or who remain silent before the evidence of an unheard of crime against God and humanity.

May this Holy Christmas illuminate your minds and inflame your hearts before the Infant King who lays in the manger. And just as the choirs of the Angels and the homage of the Magi united with the simple adoration of the Shepherds, so also today your commitment to the moral rebirth of the United States of America – one Nation under God – will have the blessing of Our Lord and will gather those who govern you around you. Amen.

May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

18 December 2021

Please also consider a related post:

Posted by: Santos Garcia | Thursday, September 16, 2021

IT IS “Time To Free America”!

The Epic Spiritual Battle of the Ages is upon us!

We find ourselves after over 39+ months dealing with a health crisis that now shows all the signs of being a planned depopulation agenda. I have spent a great deal of time and effort gathering many articles, videos, and websites that are revealing the truth about what is really happening in our nation and the world community. Unfortunately a good number have been removed by the Tech Giant corrupt platforms. Great fear has gripped the hearts of humankind and many have died needlessly when what I will reveal to all in this essay becomes apparent. I have desperately prayed for the LORD to bring clarity to my heart and mind as to how present this very troubling information in a verifiable and incontrovertible manner. My prayers have recently been answered as you will see in the following exposé.

Fauci Lied… Millions Died!

NOTE: After reading through this comprehensive essay with incontrovertible evidence, be sure to review my Update of 10/24/2021 almost at the bottom of the post. It deals with the very powerful and highly well documented truth about another remedy that has been hidden from the public, with collusion among all the bad actors described below. It is so compelling that I listed the author/videographer link at the very top of my Blogroll on the right panel as it is rightly named, “The Universal Antidote”. You will be justifiably amazed, encouraged, and hopeful about such a dramatic and dynamic cure that has been maligned by those who seek to control mankind!

Please watch this 8 minute U.S. Congress hearing where Jim Jordan PROVES that Dr. Fauci knew that the virus was engineered in the Wuhan Virology Laboratory back in January of 2020, though the virus came into existence months before. The head of the NIH then completely deceived the entire world press and the public asserting that it was conclusive that the virus was a ‘naturally occurring phenomenon’ that had nothing to do with ‘Gain of Function’ research that was illegally done for years at the Wuhan Lab and funded with American Taxpayer dollars!

2 Timothy 1:7… “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

I will continue with a video that covers the primary premise of the deception and corruption that has been foisted on mankind and will followup with the most pertinent and up-to-date sources of comprehensive information that I have been fortunate to pull together. Please watch this entire 57 minute video and listen carefully to the testimony of these three men. There truly is an Awakening that is happening in the secular realm of our temporal reality, whether a person is an atheist, agnostic, or a person of faith.

The three men interviewed are Clay Clark– a highly successful entrepreneur with multiple lucrative businesses; Dr. Jim Meehan– a physician who has treated over 2700 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 who all fully recovered with zero deaths; and Thomas Renz, an attorney with many hundreds of COVID-19 lawsuits nationwide- successfully winning against medical tyranny. The first 35 minutes will shock you into reality!

After viewing the video consider studying the website

Scrolling down on this comprehensive website linked you will find a list of many articles related to the COVID ‘plandemic’ and how to access therapeutics such as Hydroxychloroquine [HCQ] and Ivermectin that have been proven to be highly effective, low cost, and avoid the risk of the experimental mRNA vaccines that in the interview above and in their essays on the website, are shown to be dangerous and more than suspect as to long-term adverse effects.

In searching for videos on Ivermectin I found so many that I would encourage those willing to wade through a great deal of disinformation to do your own research… ‘separating the precious from the vile’ [Jeremiah 15:19]. So why does the AMA, FDA, and NIH say that there is no evidence that Ivermectin has outstanding benefits especially in early treatment? It’s all about the money, control, and a hidden agenda.

How about this ICU Nurse who worked with hospitalized COVID-19 patients in 5 hospitals in New York & New Jersey. Please excuse her apparent nervousness; she knows her future is now in question. She is willing to lose her career in exposing what she found that would not allow her to remain silent [49 minutes long].

He is Faithful to rescue us when we seek and find the Truth

In the 2nd video interview linked above Clay Clark spoke of Klaus Schwab and his book “COVID-19… Global Reset”. All one has to do to find the extent of the nefarious totalitarian system that they are trying to implement worldwide, is to visit and study the encyclopedic website “World Economic Forum” at I have spent hours reading their strategic intelligence matrix which is quite fascinating and actually mesmerizing.. sad to say. When one registers he or she will be able to access their different planning platforms, although the intelligence wheel matrix and its many linked subjects is worth studying in depth, because it clearly cuts through the gordian knot of their ‘doublespeak’. These Luciferians have been planning this Global Reset for decades… and actually centuries going back to Adam Weishaupt and the beginning of the Illuminati which was formed in 1776. No, it’s NOT a coincidence that the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War began the same year.

When one sees the extent of their planning and how they have seemingly thought about every contingency in dealing with world issues, it is easy to see that they are willing to ‘sacrifice’ anyone or any nation that does not on the near term eventually submit to their global agenda. It includes a depopulation plan that COVID and other bioweapons are a substantial part of. If you haven’t heard of ‘The Georgia Guidestones’ [Internet search for full text of the multiple stones], see this image and know that their plan is a world of only 500 million people total, not the 7.5 billion that are alive today. That would demand eliminating 14 out of 15 people that are currently populating the earth!

Read top line- ‘Perpetual Balance’

Bill Gates’ ‘spiritual mentor’ is Marina Abramovic, an infamous satanist known for ‘Spirit Cooking’ …

Why is the patent on his vaccination protocol numbered ‘666’?

It is my informed opinion that we are NOT in the ‘Tribulation Period’ that is described in the Book of the Revelation [Chapter 13: 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak  and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17and that no one may buy or sell except one who has  the mark or  the name of the beast,  or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has  understanding calculate  the number of the beast,  for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.]

Everything that is happening is a ‘shadow’ or template of what will happen in the future according the LORD Jesus Christ‘s own words in Matthew 24 & 25, which parallels seamlessly Revelation Chapter 6.

I cover in detail my view of the Last Days in a 4 part series that begins with ‘The Day of Christ… and The Day of the LORD’ which one can access on the side panel search field at a later date. What I strongly believe is on the near horizon is The Third Great Awakening that America and then the entire world will experience. After we survive this premature attempt by the NWO Globalists to force a totalitarian system on the planet, we will ALL experience an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit like nothing that any century has experienced! I will be writing a detailed post about why I firmly believe this in the near future.

He loves all of mankind, for every human was created in GOD’s Image and for His Glory! Sadly too many reject Him…

So what is the truth about COVID Survival Rates directly from the CDC? They admitted that the PCR Test that they still use gives a high percentage of false positives as Dr. Meehan stated in the interview. So why are they forcing anyone- especially children to vaccinate with an experimental ‘vaccine’ that has a human clinical trials ending date of Dec. 2023? Also the FDA has NOT approved the Pfizer vaccine, for when you read the fine print what was approved is a derivative of the Pfizer mRNA formula that is yet NOT available for widespread use. It’s all smoke and mirrors and the lawsuits are going to be in the millions by the time the world nations become aware of the criminal and heartless forcing of a therapy that is generating variants of increasing strength, while causing cytokine storms that damage bodily organs both short-term and potentially long-term… no one knows, but clearly they don’t care. It is after all about the money, authoritarian control, and their One World Governance agenda. Are YOU AWAKE YET?

What does the verified science show about ‘natural immunity’ once a person has recovered from COVID-19? In this linked article, Dr. Robert Malone who invented the mRNA medical technology makes a statement after an introductory paragraph:

‘Israeli researchers found that people in the country vaccinated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot were 13 times more likely to contract the Delta variant of the CCP virus and 27 times more at risk of symptomatic disease, compared to those who had recovered from COVID-19.

“It’s now been shown in that paper and others that the breadth of that immune response in terms of T and B cell memory populations is more diverse and more long-lasting than the breadth of immune response elicited by the spike-based vaccines alone,” [said] Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the class of vaccines based on messenger RNA…”‘

This short video goes into some detail of the Israeli findings as well as other proofs of ‘natural immunity’:

These additional websites are very valuable in answering the many questions that I and other truth seekers would have, avoiding the disinformation campaign of the New World Order Globalist- Rothschild/Luciferian agenda.

Many in the media and the medical profession have alleged that the mRNA vaccines are using fetal stem cell lines that are only from a few fetuses that date back many years. What is the truth? This Lifesite News video reveals the horrific truth…

QUOTE: “Dr. Stanley Plotkin is considered the Godfather of Vaccines. In a 9-hour deposition, he reluctantly admits the horrific facts and gruesome details about the relationship of abortion to vaccines.” Listen to Dr. Plotkin try to weasel out of stating the facts, when it is revealed that over 76 three months or older healthy viable babies were used in experimentation leading to vaccines. Organ harvesting was also done in these 76+ unborn children; the organs described would primarily have to be removed from much more advanced gestation periods… up to the third trimester! Any person who professes faith in Christ Jesus, or even one who is appalled by these facts must not submit to these damning injections! The alternative remedies are being suppressed to this day…

Dr. Simone Gold and a very large group of physicians are fighting for the preservation of doctor/patient relationships, and the right to prescribe therapies that are proven to effectively cure COVID-19 and other viruses- and of course all other needed medical procedures. Their website includes many videos and resources that address their legal battles and how people can receive evaluation and prescription of needed remedies such as Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin.


How does one protect themselves IF they have already been subjected to the mRNA vaccines– double or now triple dose? What are the adverse reactions and side effects, short and potentially long term that one may anticipate? This essay is a dialogue between several medical professionals who have successfully treated COVID-19 and other viruses safely and primarily in outpatient- non-hospital treatment. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko– a New York physician who has cured thousands in days with HCQ; Dr. Yeadon who was Pfizer’s VP & Chief scientist; and Professor MontagnierNobel Prize winning Virologist who discovered HIV. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is a true hero in my book…

PLEASE NOTE: The detailed protocol that one must use to prevent serious injury or death of someone who has already been mRNA vaccinated, is in the bottom third of the complete essay. It is specific in its supplementation requirements, and emphasizes that drastic measures MUST be taken at the sign of ANY cold or flu symptoms. The reason being as described in clinical yet staggering terms is that those who are vaccinated will be the ones filling hospitals and morgues in the coming months and potentially years!

QUOTE: “As the mRNA disseminates through your vascular system, the cells lining your blood vessels begin producing spike protein. This is why we’re seeing such a staggering number of reports of people experiencing blood clots from these injections. According to Zelenko, 40% of these events occur within the first two days after injection. The risk then diminishes, but vascular events such as heart attacks, strokes, renal infarcts and pulmonary infarcts don’t completely peter out until about three months after the last injection. But these events of the past three months are not being reported to VAERS. It is, of course, possible that people simply aren’t connecting them to the COVID shot they got several months earlier.”

“Yeadon, Montagnier and Zelenko all believe the COVID-19 shots could reduce life expectancy by several decades, depending on several factors, including whether you’re required to get booster shots. In fact, there may be reason to suspect that many who get the jabs and subsequent boosters could lose their lives within two to three years, as a result of pathogenic priming.” Why aren’t their voices heard? Because they have been blacklisted! They are among doctors that are now suing the FDA and CDC for corruption and malfeasance.

What does The American Journal of Therapeutics say about Ivermectin? Read the very extensive study here:

A brief direct quote…


Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using Ivermectin. Using Ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that Ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.”

So please explain to me why the legacy and mainstream media are calling Ivermectin a horse de-wormer, when it was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine and has been used safely by millions of people worldwide without incident? Like the SS Nazis used to say, “If you tell a lie long enough, people will tend to believe it.”

The outstanding work of Dr. Pierre Kory, MD and his team of many physicians have also proven the outstanding efficacy of Ivermectin. Study their website which is also irrefutable in its apparent success in low cost and very gentle treatment results, again saving lives. Please note that Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter have de-platformed their videos- including United States Senate testimony from November of 2020… when over 200,000 lives would have been saved if their treatment protocol had been implemented in America, and not counting the rest of the planet suffering needlessly under this medical, pharmaceutical, political, media, and Big Tech tyranny.

What are the ingredients of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines? Why is this information still hidden from the general public worldwide? This video originated before Moderna & Pfizer were approved for ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ Dr. Carrie Madej, M.D. has been censored multiple times for presenting this evidence which is fortunately still available on Brighteon & Rumble [consider joining]. Please listen carefully to the entire 21 minute presentation. It is appalling!!

Sharyl Attkisson is a singularly outstanding Investigative Reporter who left CBS when that legacy news organization began restricting her ability to write the truth about many news-worthy stories that she uncovered. Her dedication to the reality that they sought to spin with their biased agenda caused her to launch her own website platform. She along with Sara A. Carter who likewise has her own website, and John Solomon of ‘Just The News’ are the three most honest and honorable reporters that I know of in a tough field.

I’m updating this post with her most recent summary of her chronological journaling of the many legitimate concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines, resulting in serious adverse reactions internationally that are causing many nations to rethink the entire pandemic response using these still ‘experimental’ vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, & AstraZeneca. Please review her data here:

Project Veritas has uncovered the truth about what doctors and nurses are saying about the mRNA vaccines, that they are not allowed to discuss under threat of termination. Consider signing up for video updates; See Part I here:

Update of Sept.28, 2021 [2]

Article reveals that in the UK now majority of COVID deaths are in the vaccinated population!

QUOTE: “In the UK, up to 80 percent of COVID deaths are currently coming from vaccinated people. COVID deaths across the UK are now 3,000 percent more frequent than they were at the same time a year ago, when the population was “unvaccinated.”

Doctors united in international protest against crimes committed due to pandemic!

QUOTE: “An international alliance of physicians and medical scientists has condemned the actions of all policymakers and politicians who imposed stay-at-home, social distancing, face masks and “vaccine” mandates, none of which are even scientifically valid let alone constitutionally justifiable.

Pestilence as a Sign of the End Times… BUT NOT YET!

Update of 9/29/2021

In this following article and heart-breaking 29 minute video attorney Thomas Renz presents the truth of the Medicare patients that have died in massive numbers when they received the mRNA vaccines:

Update of 10/2/2021 [2]

How about the ‘Vaccine Deaths Report’…Incomprehensible suffering perpetrated upon us while most of the nation remains silent:


“The data shows that we are currently witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world,” the report states… Already, lawyers are networking to prepare class action lawsuits in response to the report’s finding. This is a global genocide in action and many, sadly, still believe that it is about “public safety.”

Dept. of Defense data presented in this 24 min. video by attorney Thomas Renz is shocking because it is incontrovertible evidence that the death rate is clearly increasing among the fully vaccinated! PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY

Update of 10/5/2021 [2]

Dr. Judy Mikovits has a doctorate in molecular biology, and has seen the best and worst of science. She has co-written several ground breaking bestsellers including, ‘Plague of Corruption’, ‘Ending Plague’, and ‘The Truth About Masks’. Her scholarship in exposing the profound corruption in the medical science community has blackballed her across many platforms. I have linked this current interview that she did with Mike Adams of Brighteon. Believe me when I say it will startle, anger, and hopefully motivate you!

It is entitled: “Dr. Judy Mikovits warns spike protein “vaccine” injections may kill 50 million Americans”

And Project Veritas does it again with James O’Keefe exposing Pfizer scientists in their own words in video admitting that natural immunity after getting over COVID is much more effective and long term than the ‘experimental’ jabs. They also admit that children should NOT be forced to be vaccinated due to potential harmful long-term effects. See short video here:

Update- 10/12/2021

“Patents Prove COVID Fraud & Illegal Dealings”:

Update- 10/24/2021

I had a Divine appointment on this date- while on Rumble, stumbling upon a full length documentary entitled “The Universal Antidote”. I was suspicious of such a sensational title but sensed an urgency to view the full presentation prayerfully. I was struck with awe and felt the Presence of the LORD in considering the science, the comprehensive data, and the many testimonials that people from all walks of life attested to the miraculous healing power of this simple mineral substance know as Chlorine Dioxide.

I remembered that President Trump spoke of this at a COVID Press Briefing in early spring of 2020- sometime after he also referred to Hydroxychloroquine, and both remedies were ridiculed and attacked mercilessly by the FDA, the CDC, the AMA, and Big Pharma. The media took great glee in belittling our President again, saying that he was promoting using ‘Bleach’ to cure the China virus! I can only tell you that the 1:49- minute presentation is seamlessly believable; especially with everything stated above in the evidence and data that I have presented that puts these organizations in question. Please view the almost 2 hour video with an open heart; note the sincerity of the persons interviewed, and review the science more than once to see that Chlorine bleach and Chlorine Dioxide as two totally different substances, and taken in the right formulation Chlorine Dioxide appears to truly be a GOD-sent healing substance. See the full video here:

Also take the advise given by the author and download the PDF that is offered, that you may follow the links to many related resources and scientific documentation that shows clear and compelling evidence that fully contradicts the lies that have been perpetrated against such a wonderful substance. It is noteworthy that the person who has done this great work provides it ALL for free! He is a Christian who feels he is on a mission from GOD that he spent over 2 years and countless hours completing this project which was finished this year~ 2021.

Update- 10/28/2021

This detailed report with videos from Global Research is damning. Even with the under-reporting of vaccine deaths and adverse reactions, estimated to be at most only 10% of actual numbers… it is staggering! PLEASE study the data, watch the videos- in particular the 20 minute video of Physician’s Assistant Deborah Conrad who reveals that she was blacklisted and her efforts suppressed by the medical facility that she worked at in Critical Care. We MUST be aware of how insidious this medical tyranny has become and realize that it is only getting worse:

Update- 11/2/2021

Please listen to this Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Injuries put together by U. S. Senator Ron Johnson. Not only will you hear current data on how severe and numerous adverse reactions and deaths are directly related to the COVID vaccines, but personal testimonies of participants as to how their lives were in essence ruined by agreeing to receive these damaging drugs… that are NOT truly vaccines!

NOTE: The embedded youtube video that I originally posted Nov. 2nd was censored and removed by youtube some time ago. I looked on several other video platforms and did not find it until now; the entire over 3 hr. presentation is on Rumble. Cue forward to the 30:24 min. mark to begin the full presentation. I must tell you that it will bring you to tears of compassion and anger when you see and hear what these many people have suffered, including physicians’ personal testimony of the travesty that has been forced upon mankind! It is well worth your time…

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has just published a book titled “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, & the Global War on Democracy & Public Health”. It is already listed as a # 1 Bestseller on Amazon! From the introductory description, QUOTE:

Pharma-funded mainstream media has convinced millions of Americans that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a hero. He is anything but.
As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research, allowing him to dictate the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the globe. Fauci uses the financial clout at his disposal to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists—whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward.
During more than a year of painstaking and meticulous research, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unearthed a shocking story that obliterates media spin on Dr. Fauci . . . and that will alarm every American—Democrat or Republican—who cares about democracy, our Constitution, and the future of our children’s health.”

Update- 12/1/2021

This 53 minute video interview of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny by Mike Adams of Natural News & Brighteon is a MUST STUDY! She exposes the current adverse reactions on four levels that are killing or will kill off MILLIONS of those vaccinated!

The illegitimate pseudo-President needs deliverance ministry!

Biden is an illegitimate president who has been designated now to complete the agenda that HRC couldn’t since she lost the Presidency to our legitimate President Donald John Trump. Hillary Rodham Clinton was tasked to complete the “16-Year Plan to Destroy America” [study meme below to verify], with Obama doing his worst during his 8 years of destroying our Military, our middle-class, shipping businesses and jobs overseas, giving our Internet Protocol to the U.N., and promoting racism at every turn. Thankfully he failed at pushing the U.N. Treaty that would have removed our 2nd Amendment rights and confiscated the guns of law-abiding citizens. Look at Australia & New Zealand!

They are all NWO Globalists that bow to George Soros and the Rothschild CB Cabal. THEY NEVER THOUGHT SHE WOULD LOSE! President Trump set their Global Reset back a great deal; now they’re in a hurry to complete their sinister plan in this current decade… IT WILL NOT BE!


Update- 12/3/2021 [2]

What is the peril of Graphene Oxide in the human body? What University level experiments have been going on for years to allegedly repair neural brain impairments? How is it that this substance is being found in the so-called vaccines? A quote from a South African doctor: “I found these graphene oxide structures in every single vaccinated person with symptoms. I was so shocked because what I saw in the patient’s blood, I also saw in the vial…”

This 50 minute video with Dr. Steven Hotze & Dr. Jane Ruby will further establish the diabolical nature of what the world is dealing with:

Again, all of this is being ignored AND suppressed by the powers that be, bought organizations and people in authority that are striving to reduce the human population dramatically!

[2 of 2] For all of us who have found the last two years full of grief, loss, and emotional and physical travail, this video will give you hope and encourage action in unity with those of like mind worldwide. There is now a growing movement of physicians, national citizens, and many alternative media platforms joining forces in resisting the assault on our personal and national liberties. The volume of verifiable data that shows that these faux-vaccines are dangerous and unwarranted grows daily.

This 50 minute video hosted by Steve Bannon- includes Dr. Peter Navarro, Dr. Robert Malone, originator of the mRNA technology, and includes Archbishop Vigano‘s bold call to launch a movement to fight the Globalist totalitarian agenda. Dr. Malone has always said that the mRNA protocol should NEVER be used to try to fight a virus- in this case COVID- because it will actually generate variants IN THE VACCINATED that will result in vaccine-resistant viruses! Please do watch the entire segment for there is great followup information that each of us can utilize to fight appropriately against ‘The Epic Spiritual Battle of the Ages’:

I could add more but believe that this is more than enough evidence that we have been lied to, completely deceived, and that there is a very evil plan in place where many participants are in it for the money… while others more nefarious have a Luciferian NWO Globalist agenda that they are forcing down our throats in increasingly sinister measures. Look at Australia and New Zealand, wonderful countries that are now under dictatorships with ‘quarantine’ camps being built rapidly and occupied by those who refuse the pandemic jabs. They took all their guns/weapons years ago- and now their authoritarian governments are brutalizing their own populace. And now videos of the jackboot brutality is being suppressed by Big Tech co-conspirators!

Search the Internet [International Vaccine Passport Protests] for the protests that MANY countries are experiencing in MASSIVE numbers- France, Italy, Spain, the U.K. and many other nations that have had enough with forced vaccines that don’t work and are resulting in permanent physical damage in great numbers! Vaccine passports, quarantines, and their efforts to imbed nanotechnology in our bodies to track us, are ALL being protested vigorously. We should all seriously question why these protest videos are NOT seen or reported on by the mainstream media and press. They must ALL be held accountable, prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

And yet most of these countries are socialist and don’t have our Constitution and Bill of Rights [including the 2nd Amendment] that will allow us to fight in court against this tyranny, hopefully before it gets violent. Our founding fathers were wise in warning us about government tyranny, though sadly our dumb-downed educational system in America has betrayed our younger generations into not knowing how very privileged America is. Here’s one of France, where again people have had enough!

We need Divine Intervention and a sober mankind that will join together and refuse this tyranny! May the LORD have Mercy on us all, in the Name of our LORD Jesus Christ, AMEN!

Let us remember what the Apostle Paul eloquently wrote in 2 Corinthians 10:4-6… 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not  carnal but  mighty through God  for pulling down of strongholds, 5 casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when  your obedience is fulfilled.”

We have much to be hopeful for, but it will demand an understanding of what is happening and what is before us as we restore our Constitutional Republic and preserve our American rights and freedoms. May GOD continue to bless America as we return to Him in genuine repentance, confession, and calling upon the name of the LORD.

A very encouraging message recently was given by Pastor Tim Sheets at Oasis Church in Ohio. It’s titled “It’s Time For The Showdown”. Be blessed by what was imparted to this man of GOD by the Holy Spirit:

This Worship song and specifically the anointed lyrics give me great comfort and hope in trusting our Faithful ABBA Father, the LORD Jesus Christ, and the movement of His Holy Spirit among us all. Blessings to ALL, in HIM… ~Santos

“This Is Our GOD” … Hillsong

Posted by: Santos Garcia | Friday, May 29, 2020

“The Chosen” Global Phenomenon

The Chosen- 10

Matthew 22:14…“For many are calledbut few are chosen.”

“The Chosen” is a video series that has finished its first season with 8 outstanding episodes that reveal our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ in great detail.  It is profoundly different than any depiction of the past, since trying to encapsulate the time that Jesus of Nazareth walked the shores of Galilee and climbed the mountains of Judea in one film does not allow for much character development.  This project which is in production for Season #2 is planned to potentially fill 7 or 8 seasons with a great many of the 4 Gospels stories made more insightful due to the depth of the narrative and the remarkable cast and moving acting.

My wife ‘discovered’ and shared this treasure with me and when we began to view the initial episode we were both deeply moved, and realized that something amazing was taking place right before our eyes on film.  As we viewed the entire season of 8 segments [twice], we were literally overwhelmed with the anointing and majesty of this project.  The behind-the-scenes commentary in related videos shows the commitment and dedication of all those involved.  This crowd-funded effort has been one of the highest grossing projects, yet with funding at about half of what is needed for season 2.

The Chosen 1

The humility of the writers, director, and production staff as well as the genuine sense of the Holy Fear of the LORD blanketing this entire project is awesome to behold.  Each character grows more ‘real’ in the context of Bible circumstances where very often little detail and background information is given in Holy Scripture.  It is clear that the writers are taking acceptable ‘creative license’ in giving substance to each scene, filling in many encounters and ‘answering’ unspoken questions that believers have had through the centuries.  It is also apparent that thus far nothing presented offends the inerrant truths of the Biblical account, but rather draws one even more so to study the precious Holy Word entrusted to all true Christians [2 Timothy 2:15].

Chosen 2

Simon Peter struggles to understand…

We have been anticipating Mel Gibson & Jim Caviezel’s sequel to “The Passion of the Christ” tentatively titled “The Resurrection” which is supposed to be in production.  This current offering is so singularly outstanding that we are eager to view this coming season and all the ones that may follow, LORD willing.  The episodes depicted thus far include Mary Magdalene’s deliverance; the choosing of the initial disciples; Jesus teaching the children; His encounter with Nicodemus; the wedding feast at Cana; the healings of the leper and the paralytic; and many, many more.  So profoundly moving!

Chosen 8

The actor who depicts Jesus has had a heart-felt deeper dedication to the LORD, and speaks carefully of how he has approached and been transformed by this role.  The commentary episodes are separate and definitely worth viewing as well since they give clear evidence that this whole project is in the capable Hands of our Messiah, the LORD Jesus Christ.

Chosen 5

“Suffer the little children to come unto Me… and forbid them not.”

The funding is completely via donations that are coming in worldwide.  It is truly an amazing global phenomenon as how YHVH GOD is showing Himself strong on behalf of this endeavor.  It has not been without major obstacles, but the LORD reveals Himself in timely ways- meeting needs when in the natural often the lack of resources and direction was and in a sense continues to be pressing.  Fervent prayer is needed… and continues.

Chosen 6

Mary of Magdala was a troubled demon-possessed abused woman.

Each character in the Biblical account that is developed in this series shows the great care that was taken in casting.  The scenery, attire of the time, and the interplay between those representing the Roman Empire’s austere control, the arrogance of the Pharisees and Sanhedrin… including the ‘conversion’ of Nicodemus, and the interplay between Jesus and his followers- all put the viewer in the first century, feeling that one is right there watching the Bible unfold!

Chosen- 1

Jesus is humble, obedient, and in constant communion with the Father.  His emotions are not hidden.  His frustrations, compassion in so many situations, and humanity/divinity is personal and revealing.  It is hard to conceive of a retelling of the New Testament history that would be more compelling, encompassing, and anointed than this work.

The Chosen- 8

Jesus heals the paralytic

When the scene of the healing of the paralytic takes place, Jesus has preached a message to the gathering crowd.  Though the actor Jonathan Roumie felt ‘unworthy’, it was the director Dallas Jenkins who spoke the confirming truth, “None of us is worthy…” and the timeless scene moved forward with the Presence and anointing of the Holy Spirit.

The Chosen- Nicodemus

Nicodemus ponders the coming of the Messiah

The heralded Rabbi Nicodemus struggles with comprehending who and what ‘the trouble maker’ Jesus of Nazareth is.  His encounter with Mary before and after her deliverance, as well as his meeting with Jesus at night are scenes that take your breath away.  The emotions that are drawn out of the cast in so very many instances are beyond normal.  They own their characters and the audience cannot but be drawn into the heart-felt stirrings.

The Chosen App Download

Get the app which allows one to view the entire season free, and the technology is state of the art as every conceivable device will play the series- whether on your phone, laptop, tablet, or television with great clarity.  May you be blessed as we have been with this amazing production.

1 The Chosen- Jesus & Peter

He loves each one of us perfectly with ‘…no shadow of turning…’

2 Chronicles 7:14…  “…if My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 

Can we agree that America and the rest of humanity need fervent intercession now more than ever? Everything in the geopolitical spectrum is racing toward the New World Order- One World Governance totalitarian agenda.

Our only hope is Divine Intervention to awaken the masses.

The critical question is: “Are WE Praying STILL?” These Spiritual Guidelines will help: 

Based upon the irrefutable evidence of:

While this authentication code in Scripture is verified and incontrovertible: 

May this worthy project touch multiplied Billions worldwide and bring innumerable souls into the Kingdom of Heaven.  All to the Glory of ABBA Father, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of our Saviour, GOD, and King… the LORD Jesus Christ, AMEN!

“Dance With Me/Glory Come Down”… Heartcry of David Collective- Jewish & Gentile Worshipers on a rooftop of Jerusalem []

Posted by: Santos Garcia | Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Zodiac Gospel Part IV: “The LORD’s Return”

Boy on Stairway to Heaven

In review, in the last post we looked at the 2nd Volume of the revelations of the stars and constellations, which dealt with the story of the redeemed- the rewards of the Redeemer’s suffering.

In Capricorn we see the Goat of Atonement sacrificed in our behalf; in death bringing forth life.  The arrow of GOD’s wrath pierces Aquila, the Eagle who falls to Earth, dies as the Goat of the Sin Offering, and is reborn to Eternal Life as Delphinus, the Dolphin springing up out of the Sea [of humanity].  In this sign we see the promised payment of sin, and the promised gift of Eternal Life- to those who are connected to the Atonement. That can only happen through willing surrender to YHVH GOD, in repentance, confession, and calling upon the Name of the LORD to receive the full benefits of Christ’s Atonement on Calvary’s Cross.  The unfathomable blessings of genuine relationship with the Triune GOD include forgiveness of sin, the gift and Presence of the Holy Spirit indwelling, and the full potential to walk daily in the fruit of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit as He sees fit, and the whole Armour of GOD.

In Aquarius– our blessings are insured by Grace.  The Living Waters are poured forth for the Redeemed by the Divine Water Bearer, the fish drinking in the abundant flow representing all who are saved by the Blood of the Lamb.  Pegasus and Cygnus are representative of the swift and imminent return of the LORD.

Universe 6

The Perfect Placement of the Moon in her distance from Earth- GOD’s Hand!

In Pisces– we see the Redeemed in conflict, although blessed with the knowledge of the LORD, and with the gift of Eternal Life, we are held in this ‘mortal coil’ to endure the suffering common to ALL mankind because of the Fall.  We are freed from the penalty of Sin, but are still subject to the weakness of the flesh, and the persecution of the Enemy carried out by those who are still lost without Christ, the fallen ones’ minions in humanity.

The Band holds the two fish of redeemed mankind; Andromeda is the Chained Woman who is to be Queen, patiently waiting for her Betrothed– the King of Glory who is represented here by the constellation Cepheus.  Although afflicted in much agony, there is the assurance of the Redeemer coming to rule and reign with her.

In the House of Aries we see the blessings of the Redeemed enjoyed.  The Lamb that was slain, is now prepared for Victory.  The Queen Cassiopeia is the Captive delivered who now prepared herself for her Husband, The Redeemer- our LORD Jesus Christ.  Cetus the Sea Monster is bound, and Perseus is a type of Warrior Christ who takes the head off the Evil One, and subdues the Wicked Dragon.

Sacred Warriors Read More…

Posted by: Santos Garcia | Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Zodiac Gospel- Part III: “The Redeemed In Bondage Afflicted”

creator of the universe

In the last post we looked at Volume I of the III-Volume Zodiac Gospel.  I have made it very clear in both the ‘Overview’ and Volume I that this exegesis does NOT sanction Astrology which is corrupt, demonically inspired, and condemned in Holy Scripture- but rather emphasizes what the Bible says about the pre-Mosaic Prophecies regarding the Messiah according to Scriptures… and mankind’s need for Redemption.

In review- The LORD Jesus Christ’s First Coming is unveiled in the first four Houses, beginning with Virgo.  The Promised Seed of the Virgin (Virgo), Who is the ‘Desire of ALL Nations’ shown in the constellation Coma; the Dual-Natured Being revealed in Centaurus, Who is the ‘Despised Sin Offering’ destined to go to the Cross, the Innocent for the guilty- i.e. ALL MANKIND; and the faithful Shepherd Bootes Who protects His flock at all cost.

We also see how Libra shows the Price of the Conflict- ‘The Price Deficient’ balanced by ‘the Price that Covers’- represented by the Scales.  It bears stating that the most ancient Zodiac records show this sign as a sacred altar rather than the scales.  The other constellations show the Dead Victim (Lupus)- a dead dog that is considered unclean; again we see the Cross (Crux) where the Sacrifice takes place; and the Crown of Glory received for the righteous satisfaction of Justice.

2 Corinthians 5:21... “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Scorpio and its decans show the Mighty Warrior in mortal combat with both the great Serpent and the perverse Scorpion.  He prevents the snake from taking the crown, and as shown in the constellation is the Victorious One Hercules, who dies as a result of His wounds.

Sagittarius shows us the Dual-Natured [GOD-man] whose arrows defeat the fallen dragon, with the inevitable punishment demonstrated in the fiery Altar.   ARA means finishing or completing.  Lyra is a beautiful picture of praise ascending to GOD like an eagle.  And so ends the first volume, the Seed of the woman (Jesus) destroys the head of the serpent (satan).

milky way galaxy

Our Glorious Galaxy- ‘The Milky Way’… the focus of our Triune GOD and unfallen worlds!

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Posted by: Santos Garcia | Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Zodiac Gospel- Part II: “The Redeemer’s First Coming”

There Has ALWAYS Been A Testimony of The Creator's 'Intelligent Design'... From The Sub-Atomic To The Universal!

There Has ALWAYS Been A Testimony of The Creator’s ‘Intelligent Design’… From The Sub-Atomic To The Universal!

In Part I– I did an overview of the premise of this IV-Part Series, strictly looking at it from the science of Astronomy and the Biblical Record. In this essay I will lay out the first four signs beginning with Virgo because of this quote from Part I:

“We find the key to the correct sequence of the Zodiac in the riddle of the Sphinx [in Egypt… next to the Great Pyramid] which unlocks the mystery. This ancient monument has the head of a woman and the body of a lion. In the Temple of Esneh in Egypt there is a great painting in the portico on the ceiling which shows the whole picture of the Zodiac with all its constellations. Between the figure of Virgo and the figure of Leo– there is a carved figure of the sphinx with the woman’s face looking at the Virgin, and the lion’s tail pointing at Leo. This tells us we begin with the Virgin and end with the Lion. The word sphinx means to bind closely together.” 

Also this quote from Part I: “In the historical writings of virtually all civilized nations there exists a description of the major stars in the heavens– called the constellations or Signs of the Zodiac and always shown as twelve. Going back in time to Rome, or further back to Greece, or before that to Egypt, the Persian Empire, Babylon… no matter how far one goes– there is a remarkable phenomenon. Nearly all nations have the same twelve signs, representing the same twelve things and placed in the same order. Archaeologists and historians who have uncovered the oldest tablets, translated difficult hieroglyphics, and researched the most ancient libraries– have all failed to discover how it is that in so many nations the world over the same signs exist.”

Jesus- Lion of Judah Enthroned

Part II- The Redeemer’s First Coming

The twelve signs of the Zodiac as originally given by GOD were a prophetic outline of GOD’s purpose in the history of salvation.  They can only be understood properly if they are studied in their proper order. Since the word ‘Zodiac‘ [Greek- Zodiakos] means ‘a circle‘ and the root zoad speaks of ‘a path’ or ‘going by steps’, we must discern from Scripture where to start and finish.

Looking at the prophecies in the Bible, we clearly see that the starting point is the Divine Promise concerning ‘the Seed of the woman’ (Gen. 3:14 &15), while the ending point coincides with the victory of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5).

In review: 12 Zodiac Houses with the major sign naming the House, and 3 related constellations called ‘decans’ form a continuing story in three distinct books:

  • Vol. I: The Redeemer’s First Coming (Virgo through Sagittarius)
  • Vol. II: The Redeemed (Capricorn through Aries)
  • Vol. III: The Redeemer’s Second Coming (Taurus through Leo)

I must reiterate again as I stated in Part I, there is absolutely no validity to Astrology. It is the fallen ones’ attempt to counterfeit the truths that are found in the Biblical account of Redemption, and the apparent ‘witness’ that was transmitted from godly generation to generation prior to the giving of the Law of Moses from Mt. Sinai.

The period of at least 2500 years between Adam and Moses needed a discernible method of proclaiming the Promise of a Redeemer, Who would rescue fallen mankind from the curse of death that hindered Yahweh GOD’s Plan from the Garden of Eden to the Cross of Calvary and Jesus Christ’s substitutionary Atonement.

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